Here for your business.
Learn about your role in Paid Family and Medical Leave.

How Paid Leave works
When an employee has a qualifying event, they will apply for leave directly with the state. The state will notify you of your employee’s application, including leave start and end dates.

Employer roles and responsibilities
Employers of every size are required to collect premiums and submit reports to the state each quarter. You are also required to notify your employees about the program.

Estimate your Paid Leave premium
Use our handy calculator to determine your quarterly premium payments.

File your quarterly report and premiums
As a Washington employer, you are required to report your employees’ wages and hours and submit premiums on a quarterly basis.
More tools to help you with Paid Family and Medical Leave

Small businesses: Up to 150 employees
While businesses with fewer than 50 employees do not have to contribute to their employees’ premiums, you do play a role in the program. Also, there are special grant programs for employers with fewer than 150 employees.

Tribal businesses
Tribes are able to opt in, allowing employees of tribally owned businesses to participate.

Employer agents
An employer agent, or third-party administrator, is a business that has an agreement with one or more client companies to manage their Paid Leave reporting, premium payments, benefit claims or other related tasks.

Technical support
Watch tutorial videos and find instructions to get assistance with your account.

Employer Reporting and Premiums Toolkit
Download the Reporting & Premiums toolkit.

Employer Benefits Toolkit
Download the Paid Leave Benefits toolkit.

Voluntary plans
Voluntary plans are employer-run paid family and/or medical leave insurance programs. Employers can choose to use a voluntary plan for family leave, medical leave or both.
Questions? Email us at paidleave@esd.wa.gov
To get you to the right team, include “UBI” followed by your 9-digit UBI number or “BUSINESS” followed by your business name in the subject line.