Technical support

Technical support

Benefit customers

To upload documents to your Paid Leave benefit account:

If you are uploading documents because you want to make a change to your claim, follow the steps to submit a request for a review.

  1. Log in to your benefit account.
  2. On your Benefit Account homepage, click the Claim ID for the claim you want to add documents to.
  3. Click Manage Document(s)
  4. Choose the Document Type
  5. Click Choose File to select the file you want to upload.
  6. Choose the file.
  7. Click Upload.

You cannot change or delete your documents once they’re uploaded. You’ll receive a confirmation message and also see it on the list if your document uploaded successfully.

To switch between your accounts:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Click + Add/Switch Account in the upper right of your account.
  3. You’ll see the “Choose an Account” screen and can pick a different account to go to or you can click Create a New Account.

If you accidentally deleted your SAW account, you’ll need to

  1. Create a new SAW account.
  2. Call us at 833-717-2273, so we can connect your Paid Leave account to your new SAW account. We’re available Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

Employer account technical support

If you don’t have a UBI number:

You must register your business with Washington’s Department of Revenue (DOR). If you’ve already registered with DOR, you can look up your UBI number on their website.

If you’re receiving an error message that says “We can’t find a business with that UBI,” and you’ve entered the UBI number given to you by the Department of Revenue (DOR): 

  1. Click Create Employer
  2. Provide your business information then click Next
  3. On the ‘Upload Your Documents’ screen, upload one of the following before clicking Next
    • Business License 
    • Active Reseller Permit 
    • Articles of Incorporation 
    • Certificate of Formation 
  4. Review your request then Submit.

Our Employer Services team will approve or deny the request and send you an email notifying you of our decision. This process generally takes 5 business days.

When you first create your employer account, you’ll probably have limited access until you verify your account with a PIN. If you have limited access, you’ll be able to submit your quarterly wage reports, view your wage submission history and make premium payments. By completing the PIN process and gaining full access to your account, you can: 

If someone from your business has already registered your employer account, when you go to create an account, you’ll receive an error message that says, “It appears an account for your business has already been created.” Contact your organization’s account administrator to gain access.

To complete the PIN process:

  1. After receiving your PIN at your business’s mailing address, sign into your Paid Leave employer account. If you don’t see your business listed, you may need to Register your Business.
  1. Enter your case sensitive PIN in the Authorize Account section exactly as it’s written in the letter. 
  1. If the PIN you entered is valid, you’ll become the Account Administrator. No one else from your organization will be able to access the account until you grant them access. 

To add or remove users from your business account:

  1. From your homepage, click Manage Account in the top menu bar then User Maintenance to go to the ‘User Maintenance’ page. 
  1. You can click Add User to add a new user or Edit to modify access or roles for a current user. 

For a user’s roles, select the appropriate role for any user. Options are: 

  • Account Administrator – full access to all functionalities 
  • Quarterly Wage Reporting – can file and view quarterly wage reports and amendments 
  • Payments and Refunds – can make payments and request refunds 
  • Paid Leave Benefit Claims – can access Paid Leave benefit application and weekly claim details 
  • Account Maintenance – can manage account-related activities 
  • User Maintenance – can add other users to your business account 

To add or remove contacts from your business account: 

Keeping this information up to date ensures timely communication with the correct individuals at your business if we need to reach out with any questions. Removing contacts is not the same as removing users with access to your account. 

  1. From your employer homepage, click Manage Account in the top menu bar then Contact Information to go to the ‘Employer Contacts’ page. 
  1. You can add or edit contact information for any point of contact. 
  • Primary Contact 
  • Quarterly Wage Reporting – contact for quarterly reports and employees’ hour and wage information 
  • Payments and Refunds – contact for payments, balances due or refund requests 
  • Paid Leave Benefit Claim – contact for Paid Leave benefit questions and notifications. This is where we will send notification letters related to your employees’ use of benefits. 

To submit a Power of Attorney (POA) request as an employer to your agent or administrator

  1. From your employer homepage, click Manage Account in the top menu bar then Manage Linked Agents. 
  1. From this agent maintenance page, click Link to an Employer Agent
  1. On the “Search for an Agent” page, enter your third-party’s agent ID. 
  1. Fill in all required fields and complete the Employer Certification on the “Link to an Agent” page then click Next
  1. Verify the information on the “Review Your POA Request” page then Submit

You and your third party will receive an email about a pending POA request with directions on how your third-party can Accept or Decline the request. 

You cannot make changes to a pending POA request, but you can withdraw your request by clicking View POA on a pending request then Withdraw. You can also update the Effective End Date on an Active POA by clicking View POA on an active POA.